On its servers, Xtremehdtv IPTV neither hosts, broadcasts nor stores any TV channels or streaming material. Being an independent service provider, we have no liability for any copyright problems related to linked or embedded content discovered on our system. Should you have legal questions, kindly get in touch with the original streaming media owner.
Xtremehdtv IPTV Classed as an online service provider according to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), IPTV is Without streaming it straight, we let users find, embed, and show materials from many web sources. We are dedicated to safeguarding content owners’ rights and treat copyright protection very seriously.
Should you be the copyright proprietor of any work shown on Xtremehdtv IPTV without authorization, kindly let us know in writing so that we may quickly identify any claimed infringing material. Get in touch with us for the original streaming link given by the legitimate owner of the video to help this process. Effective addressing of the concern depends on thorough knowledge. Kindly have the following information in your notice:
Identification of Copyrighted Work: Clearly name the copyrighted work you think has been copied. If several works are implicated, kindly list each purportedly infringed work in a representative fashion.
Clearly state, with enough information, the whereabouts of the material in issue so that we might find it. This should cover the particular URL(s) of the webpages exhibiting allegedly infringing content.
Contact Details: To enable us to reach you for additional explanation is necessary, include your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
Add a declaration of good faith confirming that you believe the copyright owner, agent, or law does not approve the use of the item.
Under penalty of perjury, state in your notification that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner of the allegedly infringed work and that the information in your notification is accurate.
Copyright Contact for Questions Regarding DMCA-related Matters, please reach out via Live Chat or email us directly at Info@xtremehdtviptv.com.